A gardening podcast for seasoned and novice gardeners

A garden is a place of healing, joy, and growth; not just for the herbs, flowers, and veggies we grow, but also for the gardener. The purpose of the Good Chives Only gardening podcast is to share the joy of getting our hands dirty in perfectly composted soil, watching seedlings grow an almost unnoticeable bit each day, or pruning roses to jussssstt the perfect shape and height. For podcast hosts Elizabeth and Ashleigh, as much joy is found in the day-to-day process as is found in the fully bloomed, beautiful end result — or, let’s be honest, sometimes the dead plant (it happens to the best of us). And isn’t that what love is? Finding as much joy in the journey as the destination? We’re grateful to have you, the listener, with us on this journey. 

Join us for new episodes as we learn from gardening experts on all things growing and caring for flowers, herbs and veggies while bettering ourselves and the world around us. We’re learning right along with you!  

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